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Du lịch Đông Âu

Price List:

 DEPARTURE 25/10; 20/11; 22/12
TOUR PRICES 125,000,000 VND
(***) Rate may vary at time of payment
 The price includes:
- Flights to international routes: Ho Chi Minh City (Hanoi) - Paris // Warsaw - HCMC (Hanoi)
- Taxes, fuel surcharge, security fees, airport fees 2 domestic airport.
- 4 star hotel fully equipped, standard double rooms. In case of necessity for reasons of sex, three rooms will be arranged.
- Invitations Schengen.
- Guides from Vietnam follow during the tour.
- Eating under program
- Shuttle to visit the program
- Entrance fees according to program
- Souvenir gift: hats, travel bags, leather passport
- Schengen visa fees, translation fees profiles.
- International travel insurance with compensation 1,000,000,000 VND / case.
Price does not include:
- Passport term over six months.
- Personal expenses, excess baggage and expenses incurred outside the program.
- Money tips for guides and local drivers: 168,000 VND / person / day.
- Surcharge single room 11,500,000 VND / pax
(In case your registration to individual 1, if we depart with 2 or 2 FIT FIT Male Female're flexible coupling into 1 twin room, in the absence of any other retail customers to pair with your guests, you please pay premium single room).
Child fare: According to airline and service
- Children over 2 years and under 12 years: 75% of tour price + 100% tax: Price: 51,525,000 VND.
- Children under 2 years old: 35% tour price + 35% tax. Price: 22,365,000 VND.